
更新 2023年11月20日



(Amy Inglis ' 08 - Avida Love Photography)

当学生们离开Ellie Kreischer的Hallmark艺术强化澳门威利斯网站时, they do so with a portfolio that showcases their talents as artists and spotlights their stories as creators.

霍尔马克人文学科研讨会的学生将研究和分析第一手资料, 与专家交流, and worked independently to see a months- long project through from concept to public presentation. 霍尔马克生物技术学院的学生, 环境科学, 无机化学澳门威利斯网站, 与此同时, will come away with hands-on laboratory and learning experiences gained while exploring relevant current fields.

也许最重要的是, students in each of these classes — and all MHS Hallmark courses — will have learned alongside expert faculty who are knowledgeable about the subjects they teach and intensely committed to sharing that knowledge with students.

“当我回顾我的教育, nothing is more powerful than being in a class with a teacher who is truly passionate about what they are teaching and when they are mentoring you through challenging material,1973年的学院院长丽莎·阿尔伯蒂说. “对我来说是 吉姆·欧文(长期担任高中数学老师) 还有他对地质学的热爱. 他是个很棒的数学老师, 但是当他教地质学的时候, 他活了起来,以一种让我永远热爱这个主题的方式分享了他的激情.”

这就是澳门威利斯网站的特色澳门威利斯网站. 现在是他们的第三年, 这些有远见, 高级澳门威利斯网站为学生提供个性化澳门威利斯网站, 深入, 以及持续的调查, 并允许教师将他们的专业知识带入课堂,并在考试之外进行教学. 他们还让学生接触到独立研究的高级工作, 深入分析, 与批判性思维的, 学院和大学要求未来学生具备的技能.

跨学科和探究为基础, the classes have supplanted Advanced Placement (AP) classes as the most challenging courses in the MHS academic program, 还有学生们的接待, 教职员工和学院的态度一直非常积极.

“We have found students to be incredibly engaged and incredibly willing to put the hours of work into the course, 因为这对他们来说太重要了,院长阿尔伯蒂说. “Our faculty have responded enthusiastically because it allows them to teach subjects they love to teach, and the success of the Hallmark experience is also something that speaks very well to our colleges, because they can see that if a student can handle the rigors of a Hallmark class and that level of independence, 他们会为大学里类似的经历做好准备.”

大学希望学生做跨学科的研究, 协作, 基于项目的工作, 霍尔马克的澳门威利斯网站——以及我们所有的高级选修课——都提供什么.


事实上, how colleges would perceive the transition from Advanced Placement to Hallmark courses was the subject of considerable discussion within and beyond MHS in conversations dating to at least 2016, 如果不是更早的话. 这一决定经过了广泛的研究, 学术咨询主任莎拉·维登说, 在MHS当了20年的大学辅导员.

“在我们的贺曼项目开始之前的很多年里, we had been working closely with our college partners with what we were planning for our curriculum, and we were not surprised to learn that our partners were very excited and interested in our plans,她解释道。. Virden.

“我们决定我们可以提供先进的技术, 严格的澳门威利斯网站将更好地为学生准备他们在大学所需的技能,Dean Alberti补充道. “Our Hallmark courses are designed with years of research on our part and looking at the academic skills, 思维习惯——独立工作的能力, 进行深入研究, and to engage with challenging materials — that students need as a stepping-stone to their college experience.”


“大学希望学生学习跨学科的知识, 协作, 基于项目的工作, 霍尔马克的澳门威利斯网站——以及我们所有的高级选修课——都提供什么,她说。. 舱口Blauvelt, 谁在2017年加入澳门威利斯网站之前在大学经济援助部门工作, 并继续与各大院校的招生官员密切合作.

学生的经历描绘了这幅图景. 以Hallmark Art Intensive为例. The course is designed for students who are ready to make a leap from working off assignments from a teacher to concept-driven art-making practices that advance their work as artists.

“The portfolios that students are making in Hallmark Art tell their story on their college applications,她说。. 她是表现艺术系的伊丽莎白·加切尔·克莱因教授. “这项工作对他们来说意义重大, because they made it for reasons that aren’t just to check a box or get a ‘5’ on an AP portfolio. 他们制作它是因为他们关心它.”

同样的, students in the Hallmark Humanities seminar will have engaged in advanced-level research into a chosen topic of interest. Dr. Alexander is the 历史 Department Chair and co-teaches the Hallmark Humanities seminar with 英语 Teacher Rebecca Cook-Dubin. 他将其与自己曾经教过的AP U澳门威利斯网站进行了比较.S. 历史.

“That course is very content-driven; it’s a very 20th century course,” he explains. “它是在信息不民主化的时代发展起来的, 因此,基于内容的澳门威利斯网站有其优点, 因为那是你学习材料的方式. 随着信息革命的到来,这些都变得无关紧要了. 放弃AP澳门威利斯网站让我有机会在意大利开设霍尔马克文艺复兴澳门威利斯网站.”

这门新的霍尔马克澳门威利斯网站是由霍尔马克博士启发的. 亚历山大澳门威利斯网站15世纪法庭案件的博士论文, 同时也探索了14世纪到16世纪之间的文化爆炸.

2022-23学年的澳门威利斯网站目录包括16门霍尔马克澳门威利斯网站和25门高级选修课. 在一起, these challenging courses offer MHS students opportunities to design an academic path that suits their interests and puts them on a path for success in college. 霍尔马克环境科学是明年霍尔马克开设的四门新澳门威利斯网站之一. 微积分II,女性历史,博士. 亚历山大的文艺复兴时期的意大利阶级是其他的.

Moving beyond the AP curriculum enabled the Science Department to bring to the forefront course offerings that allow for deep dives into relevant current topics both in its Hallmark and Upper Level elective offerings, 系主任唐娜·戴格尔说.

“我们能够脱离外部资源所规定的澳门威利斯网站, 作为一名教师, 它真的打开了世界——天空是极限,她说。. Daigle. “当我们做出这种转变时, it really opened up the capacity for us to teach from our passions and bring that to our students in a way unavailable to us when teaching based on the AP standards.”

霍尔马克环境科学就是一个很好的例子, 明年将由科学老师肯尼迪·雷默教授.

“这是一门关注当地环境、我们当地生态系统的澳门威利斯网站。. 戴格尔说,他之前教过AP环境科学. “肯尼迪一直倡导更多的实地考察,这真的是她的激情所在. 作为该领域的专家,她所带来的是无价之宝.”

Students in Science Teacher Jennifer LaForest’s Hallmark Inorganic Chemistry class recently completed a project in which they built 3-D models, 研究某种毒品对社会的影响, 然后制作海报来说明他们的发现. Ms. 戴格尔十年前开设了“妇女健康与全球问题”澳门威利斯网站. 她在教授解剖学时注意到了这一点 & 此前,生理学上的大部分研究材料都是基于男性的“平均”身体.

“世界上有很多澳门威利斯网站女性健康的话题, 我还以为在女子学校, 这是我们在澳门威利斯网站中探讨这个话题的机会,她补充道. “我看到了一个机会,并抓住了它, and to have that autonomy as an educator to come up with an idea and pursue it is something I really value about Miss Hall’s.”

随着霍尔马克澳门威利斯网站的发展. 舱口Blauvelt指出, 然而, that the goal for students should not be to “stack” as many Hallmark classes as possible into their course load. 而, colleges prefer to see a student who carefully chooses courses based on academic interest and strengths.

这段旅程从九年级和十年级开始, 提供技能研究的基础澳门威利斯网站, 写作, 以及分析——为高年级澳门威利斯网站的成功打下基础. 当学生们从大学二年级的经历中走出来时,他们遇到了她. 维登和夫人. 舱口Blauvelt, 与任课老师协调, 顾问, 和父母, 为他们的大三、大四和以后的学习设定道路.

Upper Level Electives — yearlong and semester classes — and Hallmark courses offer a voice and choice in that path, 为每位MHS学生量身定制的澳门威利斯网站. 所有澳门威利斯网站的学习参与度都很高, which provide 深入 study and complement what students are going to be asked to engage in when they get to college.

“大学希望看到修过各种澳门威利斯网站的学生。. 舱口Blauvelt解释道. “他们不希望有人在高中就专攻. They want to know that a student has all of the foundational skills and those higher-level skills of being able to work independently, 做深入的研究, 并参与具有挑战性的材料, 这样他们上大学的时候就可以专攻了. 霍尔马克和地平线,这是我们的学生脱颖而出的方式,而不是通过堆积考试和测试.”

“Our focus is on preparing students for their future — for college and beyond,Dean Alberti补充道. “我们致力于教会他们变得坚强, 坚强的学习者,这样当他们进入任何环境时, they have strong self-knowledge and are able to navigate the ups and downs they will inevitably encounter.”

学生学习深入研究,探索多种来源,并分析这些来源. 他们独立工作, 同时也与其他学生合作, 他们参与到更高层次的内容中. Many of the courses also seek to make connections with outside experts and organizations that further broaden the student experience. 与此同时,教师有能力深入研究主题并定制澳门威利斯网站.

“You get the deepest engagement when students get to ask questions that can drive their learning, 这就是你们在这些澳门威利斯网站中可以做的,Dean Alberti补充道.

霍尔马克艺术史专业的学生, 例如, 利用了伯克希尔哈撒韦的文化产品, 参观几个博物馆. “我看到我们的学生准备得非常充分,Dean Alberti指出, 谁和他们一起旅行的. “如果你学的是艺术史, 你需要学习艺术分析的词汇,并练习这些技能, 你需要看看艺术. 这将使他们在大学里选修艺术史.”

院长阿尔伯蒂特别自豪的是,澳门威利斯网站在多个部门列出, breaking down pillars between departments and helping students see how learning is connected across disciplines. 人文学科澳门威利斯网站计入英语或历史学分, 例如, 和艺术史作为表现艺术或历史学分.

随着hallmark进入第四年, 她很高兴看到他们采取的方向以及他们如何进一步发展. 到目前为止, 他们取得了绝对的成功, 学生和教师对这一变化充满热情.

“这些澳门威利斯网站很严格, 它们令人兴奋, 它们是动态的, 这也是教师与学生分享专业知识的机会,Dean Alberti指出. “我们的学术澳门威利斯网站是精心设计的, 我们的澳门威利斯网站被创造出来了, 传授技能, 覆盖材料, 并提供知识,使学生准备在大学和以后的蓬勃发展.”