
更新 2023年11月20日


A beloved teacher who found joy in encouraging students every day

During his decades as an educator, 吉姆·欧文从未失去他对教学或与年轻人一起工作的真正热情, 从60年代到90年代,澳门威利斯网站的校友经常提到他作为老师的持久影响, 教练, 也是他们生活中的导师.

Mr. 欧文 passed away peacefully on Tuesday, March 1. 他一直和79岁的女儿詹妮弗住在纽约,最近搬到了佛蒙特州的一家护理机构, 近女儿杰米.


“JKE”——就像Mr. 欧文在1968年秋天来到澳门威利斯网站家,大家都亲切地称呼他. 他被校长理查德·麦克莱恩从伯克郡男校招募来教科学和数学, 对于青少年(历史上由男性教授)来说,这是一门非常令人沮丧的澳门威利斯网站. He was more than up to the challenge.

“I’ve just never believed that girls couldn’t do it, 我从不让他们这么想,他在1997年的一次采访中说. 至于他成功的秘诀? 一点幽默, 灿烂的笑容, 还有无尽的耐心(他为清晨的额外帮助敞开大门的政策就是证明).

Mr. 欧文’s students likely recall nightly homework, 每天五分钟的小测验, 只有在黑板上画了一张“成就图”并进行了讨论之后,才会有试卷——纵向对折. When he saw success, he looked to foster it — no matter the arena.

“The thirty years I spent [at MHS] were probably my best years, 我爱每一个学生, faculty member and Trustee who dedicated themselves to the School.”

During the course of his tenure, Mr. 欧文教数学, geology and physics; served as Assistant Head of School (1981-1989) and Mathematics Department Chair; and 教练ed varsity tennis for 14 years. In 1994, the Miss Hall’s School Mathematics prize, 每年在毕业典礼上颁发, 更名为詹姆斯·K. 埃尔文数学奖.

在最近一次对奥巴马的访问中. 欧文在他女儿的家里, 珍妮花, it was clear he never lost his enthusiasm for Miss Hall’s, 甚至在退休二十年后.

“The thirty years I spent [at MHS] were probably my best years, 我爱每一个学生, faculty member and Trustee who dedicated themselves to the School,” Mr. 欧文在2016年9月为Linn Hall举行的奠基和捐赠者感谢晚宴上说, 学校的数学之家, 科学, and Engineering Departments and the 视野 program. Today, a math classroom in the multidisciplinary building bears his name.


Mr. 欧文 left his mark at Miss Hall’s in myriad ways. In the classroom, his kindness was matched by high expectations. 课堂外, 他是许多学生的顾问和导师,他们对学生的生活产生了影响.

不过,先生. 欧文的初恋是家庭. 他和他的妻子朱迪, an MHS nurse from 1971-1974 (who predeceased her husband in 2014), 被任命为1972届的荣誉会员——这是他从头到尾教的第一个班. 埃尔文夫妇结婚56年,育有三个女儿:79岁的詹妮弗·芬贝尔, Jamison 欧文 and Jessica Stankus; they also have five grandchildren.

不久前,奥巴马先生. 欧文 assured 珍妮花 that he “had a great life and regretted nothing.在MHS的30年里,他每天都以鼓励学生为乐, 我们向所有熟悉他的人表示同情,并邀请大家向他表示悼念 dsmith@qingzhuan.net to be published on the Miss Hall’s website. 我们将深深地怀念他.


敬爱的前数学老师、教练和学校的助理校长吉姆·欧文于2022年3月1日去世. Here are just a few of the images from Mr. 欧文在MHS工作了三十年.



你有没有遇到过这样一位老师,他影响了你的生活,让你以不同的方式看待世界? 让你开怀大笑? One of those teachers for me was Mr. 欧文.

他是我高二寄宿学校时的第一位数学老师. 我对数字很差,他不仅帮助我学习,还让我觉得很有趣! Bianca Nardi-Hahn ' 96, I’ll always remember when you’d raise your hand for every question, 他说了一些有趣的话. 我就坐在你面前,他会叹气,微笑,回答每一个问题.

他还教我爱上网球. He was a kind 教练 and loved the competition and his team.

今天听到我们MHS社区失去了另一位了不起的教育者的消息,我的心都碎了. 我们需要更多的先生. 欧文在这个世界上. You inspired every single student, Mr. 欧文, and will always be beloved by your Miss Hall’s family. Sending your daughters so much love and our condolences. ——雷切尔·冈斯伯格,巴蒂亚,1997年

I am incredibly sad to learn the news about Mr. 欧文. He was truly one of the best, if not the best, teacher I ever had. 他的善良令人难以置信, 耐心, 和鼓励总是伴随着他美妙的微笑和温暖的笑声. For a student struggling with math, he was a gift from heaven.

I send my heartfelt condolences to his family. An exceptional man: an exceptional teacher. How fortunate his students were, along with the entire MHS community. — 妮妮·阿里格·萨曼71年

我想传递这张照片. Mr. 欧文 came back for our 20th reunion which was special! 1998届毕业生都很喜欢他!

他塑造并支持着我们. Like all MHS teachers, he was a wonderful! — 卡洛琳·康斯坦丁·罗森,88届

Mr. 欧文 was my math teacher as well as my counsellor. I started late in my first term of the third year, 我有一些社交问题与小团体和女孩从第一年开始就在那里.


His problem-solving abilities struck me, 就像那时的羞涩, homesick girl who had recently lost her father, 作为, 精明的, 和测量, 以他平静的举止. He had a mighty smile, belying a happy soul. 他给我的印象是一个平和的人,他一直是我最喜欢的老师之一.

I send my condolences and fond memories of Mr. 欧文对他的女儿和家人说. — 莫妮卡·唐纳利·戈德温,77年

Mr. 欧文 is why I became a teacher and have been for 36 years. He gave me the power to have some confidence in myself academically. I truly feel blessed to have known him. — 1975年,vsamonique de La Bruyere

It’s hard to express on paper all that Mr. 欧文对我们来说很重要. 首先,他总是带着真诚的微笑欢迎你. 是他,欢迎你进来. He always had time for you and was utterly and completely present.

他的办公室是主走廊上的一块空地,女孩们聚集在他的教练上谈笑风生. Or, 门关着, 他和一个需要帮助的人进行了一对一的交流,不管是学术上的还是其他方面的. 这是那个大厅的典型. All warmth and open doors…unless otherwise needed!

他温柔而平衡,让你知道女孩在房间里是平等的,他希望我们做到这一点. 期. 一天中有那么多的小时刻,他让学校充满了温暖和绝对的存在感,他真的必须体验一下.

我们这些有幸称您为MHS老师和导师的人将永远记住您. — 林恩·祖克曼,88年


And this was simply because he was so damn authentic. It was clear that he loved teaching and loved math and science. 但, 同样清楚的是,他明白有不少澳门威利斯网站的学生对这两样都不感兴趣. Sadly, I was one of those students, but this did not deter Mr. 至少是欧文. 我们相处得很好.

这一切都与奥巴马有关. 欧文's unending 耐心 and fantastic sense of humor. His enthusiasm for his subjects never seemed to lag. 当学生不理解一个概念时,这是他的暗示,让他深入挖掘,直到你理解.

Of course, my favorite part of the day was just sitting around with Mr. 欧文 discussing current events and life at Miss Hall’s. 哦,还有他的家人. His love for family knew no bounds, and he loved to talk about them. He was endlessly interesting, always fair and funny to boot. The world is a bit dimmer without Jim. 但 if you said this to Jim he'd flash his million dollar smile, 说你疯了,告诉你要继续做生活中重要的事情. — Lynne Eckardt, 1970年

尽管我没有Mr. 欧文 as a teacher, I thought I'd share a brief story with you. During the summer of 2010, I received the MHS Bulletin. In the back of the of the magazine was a brief piece, written by Mr. 欧文, about the passing of former MHS photography teacher Walter Scott. With help from the MHS Advancement office, I was able to reach Mr. 欧文的电子邮件. I sent him a brief description about myself, 说我是走读生, 1977届的一员, 等. Mr. 欧文’s response was, “Cindy, of course I remember you!! “够了! — 辛迪·赫伯特·劳埃德,77岁

I was so sorry to hear of the passing of Mr. 欧文最近. 我记得很清楚. 欧文从我踏入校园的那一刻起,他那甜美的微笑和奇妙的幽默感. 他是一位充满激情的老师,对澳门威利斯网站的所有年轻女性都很信任. Coming from a large public school, I was not fully prepared for the rigors of the Miss Hall’s curriculum. Mr. 欧文每天早上都来找我,帮助我完成微积分和地质学的预备澳门威利斯网站. It was hard work, but he believed in me and let me know that. I send me condolences to his daughters. 愿你安息,先生. 欧文! 我们会想念你的! — 科琳·穆尔格鲁,85年

詹姆斯·欧文(James 欧文. 欧文 as we knew him) was a big part of my life at Miss Hall’s School. 我要表彰吉姆,并表彰他对学校和他在MHS的所有女孩的奉献和成就.

I attended Miss Hall’s from 1983 and graduated in 1985. Mr. 欧文是我的科学老师,网球教练,也是我的指导顾问. 他总是很努力, 可爱的, and patient in the 科学 classroom, 并鼓励我全力以赴. Even when I wouldn’t receive the best grade on one of his tests, he would always understand and make me feel supported.

我们关系很好,这也是因为吉姆也是我的网球教练. 他在工作日的下午度过, 更不用说周六了, driving his MHS tennis girls all around the Berkshires for tennis meets. 这就是奉献精神. 他从来没有抱怨过无休止地开车去看我们的网球比赛,这占据了他整个周末的时间. He always cheered us on and loved to see his MHS girls win. He also supported us even if we lost. 吉姆很有幽默感, 我们经常在去看网球比赛的路上分享故事,歇斯底里地大笑. 对我来说,他更像是我的家人,我很喜欢他,也很尊敬他. 我会在白天冲进他的办公室聊天,问问题,逗他笑.

吉姆和我一直保持着良好的联系,多年来我们的密切关系体现了他作为一名教师工作的真正意义. 这句话对我的总结是:“有时候你不记得1985年老师对你说了什么, but you will always remember how they treated you and made you feel.这种幸福的感觉和坚定的支持,我一直保留到今天. Jim will always be a special teacher in my heart. 爱情总是. — 希拉里·波特尼克85年